
Vedic Mathematics Online Course for Twelth Class (Live Class)

(1 customer review)

Original price was: ₹15,990.00.Current price is: ₹8,990.00.

So you are in the 12th Class. 12th Class is the Career Deciding factor. Your Life depends on how you perform in your academic and what career options you choose. Your Academic performance will enhance if you are good at math.



So you are in the Vedic Math Class 12. Vedic Math Class 12 Students Online Course  is the Career Deciding factor. Your Life depends on how you perform in your academic and what career options you choose.

Your Academic performance will enhance if you are good at math. But are you really good at it? Vedic Math Class 12 Students  will help you with that.

What you will Learn

  • Why you should learn Vedic Math in 12th Class.
  • How Vedic Math will help you to decide your career.
  • Gain the confidence and perform well in the competitive exams.
  • Improve your Academic Performance.
  • Score Good Marks in your Board Exams.

Course Content ( Vedic Math Class 12  )

  • Introduction
    Welcome to the Vedic Maths Course
  • What is Vedic maths?
    Introduction to Vedic Maths
    History of Vedic Maths
    Applications of Vedic Maths
  • Introduction to Vedic Math Sutras
    Knowledge of Vedic Maths Sutras/ Aphorism
    Power of sub-Sutras to understand Vedic Maths
  • Ten Point Circle
    What is Ten Point Circle?
    Concept and Use of Ten Point Circle.
  • Vedic Number System
    The Vedic Numerical Code
    Indian Counting System
  • Vedic Methods of Addition
    Introduction with Addition
    Addition without carry forward
    Addition with Series of 9’s
    Addition of Rational Number
  • Vedic Methods of Subtraction
    General Vs Vedic Method of Subtraction
    Subtraction from Numbers Likes 100, 1000, 10000
    If Numbers are in Decimal form
  • Vertically and Crosswise Multiplication (Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam Method)
    Multiplication of Two Digit Number
    Multiplication of Three Digit Number
    Multiplication of Four Digit Number
    Multiplication of Five Digit Number and So on
    Mix Digit Multiplication
    Vertical and Crosswise Multiplication of Decimal Numbers
  • Tables from 1 to Any Number
    Table from 1 to 9
    Tables from 10 to Any Number
  • Base Value Multiplication ( Nikhilam Method )
    Base Value Multiplication with Primary Base 10
  • Base Value Multiplication with Primary Base 20, 30, 40, 50, and So on
    Base Value Multiplication with Primary Base 100, 200, 300, and So on
    Base Value Multiplication with Primary Base 1000, 10,000, and So on
  • Secondary Base Value Multiplication ( Nikhilam Method )
    Secondary Bases of 150
    Secondary Bases of 250, 350, 450 and So on
  • Simplification using Vedic Maths
    Multiplication of Numbers whose sum of Unit Place is 10 And the ten’s Place is the Same.
    Multiplication of Numbers whose sum of Ten’s Place is 10 And the Unit Place is the Same.
    Multiplication with 5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125
    Division of Any Number by 5, 25,50,75, 100, 125
  • Operations with 9
    Multiplication with a series of 9s
    Multiplication of Decimal Numbers
    Multiplication of Any Numbers who is Ending with 9.
  • Operations with a Series of One
    Multiplication with 11
    Multiplication with 111
    Multiplication with Series of 1
  • Multiplication Based on Algebraic Formula
    Multiplication Based on (a^2-b^2 )
    Multiplication Based on (a^2-b^2 ) Second Method
  • Multiplication with Particular Numbers
    Multiplication of Numbers from 1 to 10
    Multiplication of Numbers with 11 to 20
    Multiplication of Numbers 21 to so on
  • Bar Numbers / Mishrank / Vinculum
    What is Bar Number / Mishrank / Vinculum
    Conversion to Mishrank
    Conversion from Mishrank
    Addition by using bar Number
    Subtraction by using bar Number
    Multiplication by using bar Number
    Division by using bar Number
    Square by using bar Number
    Cube by using bar Number
  • Metric Conversion
    Speed Method of Metric Conversion
  • Mismatched Digits Matched Operation
    Addition of Numbers with the Same Digits but Different Places
    Subtraction of Numbers with the Same Digits but Different Places
  • Mental Groceries Problem Calculations
    General Mistake
    Method to Think about Problem
  • Vedic Methods of Division
    Conventional Division Method
    Division by 9
    Division by 8 etc
    Division by 99, 98 etc
    Divisor below a base Number
    Two-figure answers
    Divisor Above a Base Number
  • Straight Division
    Division by a flag of one digit (no remainder)
    Division by a flag of one digit (with remainder)
    Division with Adjustments or Bar Number
    Division with a flag of 2 digits
    Division with a flag of 3 digits
  • Auxiliary Fractions
    Divisors ending with 9
    Divisors ending with 8
    Divisors ending with 7
    Divisors ending with 6
    Divisors ending with 1
    Divisors ending with 2, 3, 4 and 5
  • Fractions
    Vertically And Crosswise
    A Simplification
    Comparing Fractions
    Unification Of Operations
    Factorization Using Vedic Maths
    Factorization (of simple quadratics)
    Factorization (of harder quadratics)
    Factorization of Cubic etc
  • Lowest Common Factor – LCM
    What is Multiple and How do Find Multiple?
    About Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
    How to Find LCM ?
    LCM of Fraction
    LCM of Decimal Numbers
  • Highest Common Factor – HCF
    What is Factor and How do Find Factors?
    How do Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF)?
    HCF of Fraction
    HCF of Decimal Numbers
  • Square (Varga) of Any Number
    Square of Numbers Using Urdhwa tiryak Method
    Square of Numbers ending with 5
    Finding The Square of Number from 1 to 75
    Finding The Square of Number from 75 to 125
    Finding The Square Number from 125 to So on..
    Finding the Square with Secondary Bases of 150, 250, 350 and so on
  • Square Root of a Number
    Square Root / Vargamfala / Vargamul of a Number
  • Cubes (Ghan) of a Number
    Computing cubes of 2-digit Numbers
    Computing cubes of 3-digit Numbers
    Computing the fourth power of 2-digit Numbers
  • Cube Roots (Ghanmul) of a Number
    Cube Roots (Ghanmul) of a Number
  • Duplex or Dwandwa
    All About Duplex or Dwandwa
  • Number Splitting
    Addition by using Number Splitting
    Subtraction by using Number Splitting
    Multiplication by using Number Splitting
    Division by using Number Splitting
  • Vedic Check System ( Navasesh/ Beejank or Digital Root)
    Computation of Digital Roots / Remainder / Navasesh/ Beejank
    Nine Point Circle
  • Answer Check with Digit Sum
    Limitation in the verification process
    Computation of the Quotient on Division by 9
    Digit Sum of Perfect Square
  • S.I Unit conversion
    Introduction with S.I Unit conversion
    Kilo to Pounds
    Fahrenheit to Celsius
    Kilometre to Miles
    Addition of Time
    Decimals Equivalents of Fractions
  • Introduction of Basic Geometrical Ideas
    Description of Practical Geometry
    Understanding Elementary Shapes
  • Vedic Geometrical Proof (Theorem)
    Pythagoras Theorem Proof Using Vedic Maths
    Apollonius Theorem
    Vedic Proof of Pi
  • Trigonometry
    Concept of Triplet
    Computing Trigonometric Ratios
    Computing Trigonometric Ratios of Twice the Angle
    Computing Trigonometric Ratios of Half the Angle
  • Rule of Divisibility
    Divisibility of Any Number with a Common Number
  • Rule of Osculator
    What is Osculator and Types of Osculator
    Method to check the Divisibility of any Number.
  • Mental Reasoning Exercises
    Why it’s Important
    Simple Mental Reasoning Exercises
    Advance Reasoning Exercises
  • Puzzles
    Maths Puzzle
    Puzzles to Puzzle you Basic
    Puzzles to Puzzle you advance

Additional information

Course Title:

Vedic Mathematics Online Course for Twelth Class


Prince Jha

Course Duration:

4 to 5 Month Approximately

Course Format:

Assignments, Practice Sheets, Quizzes, Quizzes,, Text Lesson, Video lectures


English, Hindi

Skill Level:

Beginner to Advanced




Basic Math like Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction

Course Start:


Access Period:

One Year Access

Interactive Quizzes:


Discussion Forum:


Support Options:

Email, Live Chat, Phone


Laptop, Mobile and Tablets, Online

Ratings and Reviews:

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on user reviews)

Additional Resources:

Articles and eBooks, Course Materials, Doubt Session


Early bird discount available.

1 review for Vedic Mathematics Online Course for Twelth Class (Live Class)

  1. Ashim Krishna Pyne

    Very Good Experience with the Vedic Maths Online workshop organized by the Vedic math school. It’s an exciting experience for me to know the wonderful world of Vedic mathematics.

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